
添削体験記27: ミニクイズ答え&最後の英文メール作成


こんにちは!スタッフIです。私が受講しているのは 「中級インテンシブ・プログラム」の全12回。


①We should look at entire Asian market

②Our in-house service always allows us to work closely with our customers.


Our in-house service always allows us to work closely ___ __ ________and focus on customer’s needs.

でした。この with our customers がないと、「インハウスサービスだと、(社内コミュニケーションがスムーズなので)顧客と直にやり取りができるし、顧客のニーズに答えられる。」と言いたいものが、「顧客のニーズに直にやり取り(work closely)できる」という意味になります。

英語だと、work closely と customer’s needsが意味的にマッチしない、ニーズと共に仕事はしないよ? とのこと。つくづく、日本語って自由だな~と思います。

さて、Lesson 11の課題、2回目提出、2回目の添削が戻ってきました。2回目添削も、初めの頃は、「Perfectでないとおかしいのにまだ赤がある!」と騒ぎ立てていましたが


To: Scott Boraz <sboraz@intooit.com>

From: K Ideguchi <ideguchi@hkmarketing.
Date: March 12, 20XX
Subject: Re:Request for information

Dear Mr. Boraz,

Thank you for your reply and also your continued interest in our company. We are glad to hear that our information is helpful to you. Regarding your request, I’m happy to provide for some reasons why we should be chosen.

First of all, Hong Kong Marketing differs from Liu Market Research Inc. in terms of our the Researching process Remember, it’s “the process”.
Our company conducts pricing research in our in-house department. However, Liu Market Research Inc. has/uses (usesのほうが正確な単語だそう。) outsourced companies. Conducting research from our in-house department allows us to update daily progress, and make necessary changes depending on the results. We can work very closely with the department directly, compared to outsourced companies. This will allow us to have very precise results.

Secondly, we use personal interviews and questionnaires for consumer research. In contrast, Liu Market Research Inc. only
uses questionnaires. We believe both personal interviews and questionnaires are essential for market research so are
confident that our results will be more accurate.

In addition, our product promotion research looks at the whole Asian Market; however, Liu Market Research Inc. looks at only the Chinese market.
Asian people, especially the Chinese population outflow and influx are large, we think we should look at the entire Asian market.
Finally, our company boasts our in-house comprehensive service which includes Graphics, copywriting, printing, and ad placement.

On the other hand, the other company outsources many services such as Graphics, copywriting, printing, etc.

Our in-house service always allows us to work closely with customers and focus on customer’s needs.
As a result, we believe our service is better than Liu Market Research Inc.

Thank you again for your interest in us. We are more than happy to answer your further inquiries.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,
K Ideguchi

Sales Representative
Hong Kong Marketing Inc.
181 Harbour Road
Wanchai, Hong Kong
Phone: 852-9318-8721
Fax: 852-2758-6364
Website: http://www.HKMarketing.com/
Email: ideguchi@HKMarketing.com

