
添削体験記26: 高速添削45分→すぐに見直し反省会!


こんにちは、スタッフIです。私が受講しているのは 「中級インテンシブ・プログラム」の全12回。

Lesson 11のアサイメントを書き上げるのに小一時間はかかった私。



ホッとする間もなく、すぐに反省会! 疲れました。(-“-)

> is helpful for you. の for →toに直されたので、2回目の提出の際、for でも間違いではないのでは?と尋ねましたが、”not quite right “とのことでした。「なんか変」なんでしょうね。

> very essential のveryも不要と指摘。essentialそのものにveryという意味合いも含まれるので、不要だそう、日本語で言うところの、「非常に最高級」といった”こういう言い方はしない”、ものでしょう。納得。やはり第二言語、こういう細かい意味合いまで理解できていませんね。



①We should look at entire Asia        ←一文字

②Our in-house service always allows us to work closely                . ←三文字


Dear Mr. Boraz,

Thank you for your reply and also your continuous interest in our company. We are glad to hear that our information is helpful for/to(toでも良いようです。)you.__(←スペース不要)Regarding to your request of prep(前置詞が違う)giving some reasons why we are ww verb (動詞の選び方が違う)to be chosen, I’m happy to provide them.

First of all, Hong Kong Marketing differs from Liu Market Research Inc._in terms of pronoun (代名詞違い)Researching process.
Our company conducts pricing research by prep(前置詞が違う)our in-house department. On contrary Trans,(つなぎ言葉が違う)Liu Market Research Inc._does by verb(動詞が違う) outsourced companies.__Conducting research inour in-house department allows us to update how a research is going daily one word, also conjunction(接続詞が違う) make necessary changes depending on the results. We can work very closely to prep(前置詞が違う) the department directly, compared to outsourced companies. This will allow us to come down to a one word, (1単語で)verb very precise results.

Secondly, we use personal interviews and questionnaires for consumer research. In contrast, Liu Market Research Inc. only
uses questionnaires. We believe both personal interviews and questionnaires are very (essential には「非常に重要な」「必須の」の意味があるので、veryは不要とのこと、納得)essential for market research so we are confident
that our results will be more accurate.

In addition, Our product promotion research looks at the whole Asian Market; however, Liu Market Research Inc. looks at only @(冠詞) Chinese market.
Asian people, especially @ (冠詞)Chinese population  outflow and influx are large, we think we should look at the entire Asia_______(何か足りない).
Finally, our company boasts our in-house comprehensive service which includes Graphics, copywriting, printing, and ad placement.

On the other hand, the other company outsources many services such as Graphics, copywriting, printing, etc.

Our in-house service always allows us to work closely ___ __ ________(何か足りない)and focus on customer’s needs.

As a result, we believe our service is better than Liu Market Research Inc..

Thank you again for holding/ (なくてもよい)  your interest in us. We are more than happy to answer your further inquiries.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,


