
添削体験記13: Rebeccaさん、買ってもいいですか?許可がほしいときの英語 



最近は、「Rebeccaさんという上司がなかなかOKしてくれない…cost-conscious というか、stingyというか」そんなシチュエーションに、ツッコミを一人で入れながら楽しんでおります・・・

Lesson 6 ドラフト1を提出して今回も12時間でGarry先生から添削が返ってきました。


Unfortunately, there were a few minor mistakes that require your attention, and correction



確かに、スペルミス spなど、気をつければよいものがたくさんありました。( ノД`)

From: K Ideguchi <k.ideguchi@hiflite.com>
Date: February 19, 20XX
To: Rebecca Santiago <Rebecca.Santiago@hiflite.com>
Subject: Re: Additional purchase request

Dear Rebecca,

Thank you for your prompt reply and considering our request, as well as checking with the design department in the States.

As for your question, we once considered purchasing PressReady as we know it’s used worldwide, however, (space)スペース必要 we have chosen “Page-2-Print” (space) スペース必要 as our choice due to prep(前置詞)the following reasons.
First of all, Page-2-Print can work with Final Draft that we are curretly sp (スペルミス)usingthat allows us to open all the files made by Final Draft. Not only does thispronoun (代名詞が違う)open Final Draft files, but also it is compatible with PressReady.  (double space) ダブルスペース This will be convenient in the future (←これを入れたほうが良い)for both us here in Japan team and there in the States when we

need to exchange our files.
Also, Page-2-Print can work to import text, artwork, and photos from other software smoothly. We Pronoun(代名詞が違う) can even edit photos and adjust brightness, contrast, and colors. This is another reason that we have decided to purchase this software.

We can create web pages with interactive features and work with Japanese, (space) Chinese, and Korean characters so this software will be very suitable for our foreign employees such as Chinese and Korean designers.

I hope my explainations sp(スペルミス)are good enough to answer to your question. Pleaes sp(スペルミス)take this into consideration and let me know should conjunction(接続詞)you have any other questions.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

K Ideguchi

Illustrator, Design department




