
添削体験記5: ビジネス英文で値引き交渉!コピー機を購入する。



私が受講しているのは 「中級インテンシブ・プログラム」の全12回、Lesson 3まで来ました。

Lesson 3のお題は、『コピー機を新規で購入しようとしているので、コピー機の会社に以下のポイントを尋ねるメールを書く』でした。

  • you plan to purchase 5 new copiers (あなたは新しいコピー機5台の購入を予定している。)
  • discounts for hardware and toner  (コピー機本体とトナーの値引き)
  • delivery charges           (配送料)
  • when the product can be delivered (配送日)
  • maintenance support         (アフターサービス)
  • warranty (length and extent of coverage) (保証と保証期間)


From: K. Ideguchi
Date: July 26, 2017
To: info@fujox.com
Subject: Copier information request

To Whom It May Concern,

Hello, I am K. Ideguchi, an Assistant Manager for PlusOne Advertising Agency based in Tokyo. We have had a business worldwide since establishment in 1990 and have clients in Asia, the western part of the United States, and western Canada. For more information about our products, please visit our website at http://www.PlusOne.com/.

I’m writing you to inquire more information for your latest models of your copiers. As we are planning to purchase 5 new copiers, I’d like to ask you the following questions;

  1. Are discounts for hardware and toner available?
  2. delivery charges
  3. When will the product delivery be at the fastest?
  4. How does maintenance support work? How long will this be available?
  5. How long will warranty last and what is the range of the coverage?

Thank you in advance and I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,
K. Ideguchi
Assistant Manager
PlusOne Advertising Agency
32 Modi Bldg. #517
Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0098
Phone/Fax: 81-3925-7824

