
添削講師 Ruan先生のブログ from ケープタウン Vol.4








This week, I thought the rugby fans among you would like to see a photograph of the Cape Town Stadium where, this weekend, the finals of the Sevens Rugby Tournament is being held. Sports fans from all over South Africa have been flocking to the stadium to join in the fun for the very popular two-day event. Go BlitzBokke!!!
Since it’s a relatively new sport, Sevens has the advantage of not having to conform to the traditional rules of rugby, so it has big appeal to young and old sport fans.
The Cape Town Stadium was built for the 2010 FIFA Rugby World Cup, but has also hosted huge celebrities like Lady Gaga, Linkin Park, Bon Jovi and even Justin Bieber.
It has a controversial history though. The original stadium was built on ground that was donated to the city to be used for ‘common land’ and it was never meant to be used for commercial purposes. Many artefacts were found on the original site that had great historical value to South Africa, and people fought against the stadium being built there at all. Now that the World Cup is over and the city has realised how expensive the stadium is to run, there is talk of it being converted into project housing; another entrepreneur wants to change it into a parking facility… I would
prefer it to remain a stadium for sport and entertainment for all our people to enjoy. There is a wonderful atmosphere there when the stadium is full and when our National anthem is sung, there are very few dry eyes in the crowd.
Ruan Wiggett – 9 December 2017

