


こんにちは、スタッフIです。私が受講しているのは 「中級インテンシブ・プログラム」の全12回
Lesson 11、いよいよゴールに近づいてきました。ここの学習ページでは、

①ビジネスシーンで使える「比較の表現」を学ぶーpoint-by-point method


さて、課題に取り掛かります。Lesson 10では、アジア進出を目指す会社のマーケティング支援をする会社として、支援は3ステップで実施します、そのステップはXXXです、と、参入までのステップをMr. Borazに説明しました。Borazさんは、「あなたの会社に依頼したいが、競合のマーケティング会社(Liu Market Research Inc.)があり、そちらを押す声が社内にある。そこで、他社よりあなたの会社が素晴らしい点を教えてほしい。」と聞いています。

Could you please give us some reasons why we should choose your company over the other firm? 

なかなか大胆な設定ですね・・・「あなたらがどれだけLiu Market Research Inc.より優れているか、その理由を述べよ」


ここは何としても、ライバル会社(Liu Market Research Inc.)を引きずり下ろすべく、説得力のあるビジネスライティングを書かなければなりません!どんな悪口を書こうかな?(´艸`*)
さて、ライバルとの比較では、ここで使うのが、学習で学んだ「比較の表現」=Expressions of contrast です。



Dear Mr. Boraz,

Thank you for your reply and also your continuous interest in our company. We are glad to hear that our information is helpful for you.Regarding to your request of giving some reasons why we are to be chosen, I’m happy to provide them. (=1st Paragraphで簡潔に、引き続き問い合わせをいただいていることに感謝を述べる。)

First of all, Hong Kong Marketing differs from Liu Market Research Inc.in terms of Researching process. (=2nd Paragraphで、先方の質問に答えます。)
Our company conducts pricing research by our in-house department. On contrary, Liu Market Research Inc.does by outsourced companies.Conducting research in our in-house department allows us to update how a research is going daily, also make necessary changes depending on the results. We can work very closely to the department directly compared to outsourced companies. This will allow us to come down to a very precise result.


Secondly, we use personal interviews and questionnaires for consumer research. In contrast, Liu Market Research Inc. only
uses questionnaires. We believe both personal interviews and questionnaires are very essential for market research so we are
confident that our results will be more accurate.


In addition, Our product promotion research looks at the whole Asian Market; however, Liu Market Research Inc. looks at only Chinese market.
Asian people, especially Chinese population  outflow and influx are large, we think we should look at the entire Asia.


Finally, our company boasts our in-house comprehensive service which includes Graphics, copywriting, printing, and ad placement.


On the other hand, the other company outsources many services such as Graphics, copywriting, printing, etc. Our in-house service always allows us to work closely and focus on customer’s needs.

As a result, we believe our service is better than Liu Market Research Inc..

Thank you again for holding your interest in us. We are more than happy to answer your further inquiries.

(=3rd Paragraphで、3度目の質問に感謝を述べ、また何かありましたらお知らせください、と述べる。)

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

ところで、Intooit IncorporatedのBorazさん、もう3回もやり取りしているんですよ、そろそろ決めてほしいです、私だったら、資料もってプレゼンに伺います!face to faceで一発で方を付けてきたいですね。





